A lavishly illustrated chronicle of the world s most popular beverage (second only to water), "The China Tea Book" covers everything from the leaves to the pervasive culture they spawned. Kettle-boiled tea in the Tang Dynasty, powdered tea during the Song, pressed cake in the Ming the history of tea is as diverse as the varietals themselves. Whether green, oolong, or black, each tea has a unique personality, which "The China Tea Book" captures in photographs and facts. As the trade of tea took off in the 16th century, the associated health benefits and cultural expressions spread around the world.
The etiquette of tea drinking and the art of tea brewing may be centuries old, but understanding them leads to a deeper appreciation of the now ubiquitous drink. Designed for leisurely reading yet eminently practical, "The China Tea Book" is sure to enchant Chinophiles and tea-lovers alike."
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